Open Collective
Open Collective
Toolbox became vertical
Published on May 3, 2022 by Peter Savchenko

Hi there. The 2.24 version has been released. It inlcudes several updates, most important is the new Toolbox look and feel. Try it now!

It is the second iteration of the upcoming feature called Unified Toolbox. See the Roadmap for more details.

Your feedback is welcomed 🙂

The whole Changelog:

- New UI — The Toolbox became vertical 🥳 
- Improvement UI — the Plus button will always be shown (previously, it appears only for empty blocks) 
- Improvement Dev Example Page - Server added to allow opening example page on other devices in network. 
- Fix UI — the Toolbar won't move on hover at mobile viewports. Resolves #1972
- Fix OnChange event invocation after block insertion. #1997 
- Fix ReadOnly — the `readonly.isEnabled` API getter now works correctly after `readonly.toggle()` calling. Resolves #1822
- Fix Paste — the inline HTML tags now will be preserved on pasting. #1686
- Fix — Scrolling issue when opening toolbox on mobile fixed 
- Fix — Typo in toolbox empty placeholder fixed 
- Fix — The issue with scroll jumping on block hovering have fixed #2036
- Improvement Dev Example Page - Add popup example page 
- Improvement UI - The Toolbox will restore the internal scroll on every opening