Vertical Block Tunes, new icons, the Menu Config feature — 2.26 is here
Published on December 7, 2022 by Peter Savchenko
Hey to all our supporters! It’s time to tell you about our news. The Editor.js 2.26 has been released with a bunch of cool updates.
Block Tunes became vertical
Following the Toolbox that became vertical in 2.24, the last update includes the new modern look for the Block Tunes as well. Icons with labels are more clear than just icons. And the vertical list has better scaling ability.
All icons were updated
The CodeX Icons pack is almost finished. It is designed for unifying the appearance of all our Tools icons with giving an ability for 3rd party developers to stay in common style. We’ll tell you about this project soon. Starting 2.26 Editor.js and all our tools use the new icons from that pack.
Menu Config — the new way to render Toolbar controls
Block Tools and Block Tunes developers now can use simple config object to define how the Tune should appear in the Block Tunes menu. Just specify the icon, label, and callback — no need to render a custom HTML element anymore.
We wrote two guides about the new feature:
- Editor.js: new way to render Toolbar controls
- Editor.js plugin: how to make toggle groups in Tunes Menu
The 2.26 update includes many other improvements. Here is the whole Changelog.
20000 stars reached
New release — CodeX Docs ✨
Big news missed this newspaper: we’ve released a new product. Imagine the super simple, lightweight, and easy-to-install notes application, based on the full power of Editor.js Ecosystem, totally free and open source? Meet CodeX Docs — the self-hosted alternative to Notion, Paper, and Google Docs.
You can use it for product documentation, internal team docs, personal notes, or any other need. It’s super easy to install and use.
We really appreciate the small group of people who heroically subscribed to donations. Editor.js evolves thanks to you! Together we will build the best editor in the world. 💪