Open Collective
Open Collective

El Árbol Migrant Support Fundraiser

Raising $5k to support El Árbol, the Logan Square Migrant Support Network, in providing food, supplies, and support for folks sleeping at Chicago's 14th Police District station in Logan Square and beyond.


El Árbol Generoso (a.k.a. the 14th District Volunteer Network or the Logan Square Migrant Support Network) is a group of volunteers providing food, supplies, and support directly to folks sleeping at Chicago's 14th Police District station in Logan Square and beyond.

Humboldt Park Solidarity Network (HPSN), along with other local volunteer groups, has been working with El Árbol to collect, store, organize, and distribute much-needed donations (winter coats, blankets, suitcases, and more). See how to donate items here.

As asylum-seeking migrants continue to arrive in Chicago, we need your help in raising $5,000 to help El Árbol buy food and other necessities for folks!

Learn more about El Árbol and more ways to get involved here.

Watch a
video of the group's efforts on NBC News here. Read about the Logan Square and Humboldt Park volunteer efforts in Block Club Chicago here.

Today's Balance
Estimated Annual Budget
$5k for El Árbol Migrant Support


El Árbol Migrant Support Fundraiser is all of us

Our contributors 39

Thank you for supporting El Árbol Migrant Support Fundraiser.

Next Door Din...

$769 USD

Pam Weinberg

$500 USD


$500 USD

Matt + Becca ...

$500 USD

En Masse

$200 USD


$177 USD


$110 USD


$100 USD

The Tannery Row

$100 USD


$100 USD


$75 USD

Jam Doughty

$50 USD


Transparent and open finances.

Reimbursement #199392
-$211.08 USD
Reimbursement #199395
Today’s balance

--.-- USD

Total raised

$3,558.10 USD

Total disbursed

$3,558.10 USD

Estimated annual budget

$3,866.01 USD