Open Collective
Open Collective

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A recurring donation, with discretionary control over funding allocation.

$1,000 USD / month

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Recurring contribution

A friend of the project. Funds go into our general fund to pay contractors, bounties, and audits across security, performance, general upgrades, an... Read more

Starts at
$10 USD / month

Latest activity by

+ 56
Recurring contribution

A slightly better friend of the project. Funds go into our general fund to pay contractors, bounties, and audits across security, performance, gene... Read more

$250 USD / month

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Recurring contribution
High Five

You know, $2 won't buy much, but you never know what one developer can do with another coffee.

$2 USD / month

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+ 5
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+ 173
Past event
01:00 PM UTC
EMS in an in-person meeting for maintainers of ElectronJS

Attended by

Past event
01:00 PM UTC
Conference for Electron Infra WG members

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
12:30 PM UTC

Attended by

Past event
04:00 PM UTC
THIS IS A PRIVATE EVENT. EMS is an in-person week-long meeting for maintainers of ElectronJS.

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Past event
06:00 PM UTC
This is a private event for members of the Electron Governance

Attended by

Past event
05:00 PM UTC

Attended by

Past event
05:30 PM UTC
The Electron Contributor Training is a two-day workshop run by Electron maintainers focusing on c...Read more

Attended by

Past event
04:00 PM UTC
Event Details:

Attended by

Past event
05:00 PM UTC
Semi-Open Biannual Summit for Electron Maintainers

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