Open Collective
Open Collective
Cost of living & Debt Community Event! PLEASE re-confirm payment to solidarity fund + other updates
Published on September 5, 2022 by Elgan

Please reconfirm payments to the solidarity fund!

You may have received an email like this
if you do not reconfirm, payments will stop! This is due to an error by open collective.

Cost of Living and Debit Community Meeting 

The event will include a meal & you can apply to have your bus fare covered - we are fundraising for these things - link to the crowd funder is here ALL WELCOME

 Cost of Living and Debit Community Meeting Facebook event here

Aim of the day! 
  1. What is the Don’t Pay Plan?
  2. Legal ramifications of not paying
  3. Direct community resistance 
We will go through:
  • Can I get in legal trouble for not paying?
  • Can I be evicted for going into energy debt?
  • Can I be forced onto a pre-payment meter?
  • Will my energy get cut off? 
  • Can my benefits be sanctioned?
  • Will my credit rating be affected?
  • Will the bailiffs show up?
Among other things!

If you are able, please give money to our solidarity funds, people on prepay meters (the majority of solidarity fund claimants) cannot strike - give this money in solidarity with them, and keep their heating and lights on this winter

Solidarity Parcels from Food & Solidarity!

Solidarity parcels available for non-members as usual this week! Contact us if you or someone you know needs one #Newcastle or sign up as a member to receive food or support our work, so we can continue to distribute heavily subsidised food & fight for our members #SolidarityNotCharity.

Food & Solidarity Members show solidarity with striking workers

Food & Solidarity are offering support to striking workers locally: this will come in the form of 1) the prioritisation of striking workers for solidarity parcels, 2) visiting picket lines to offer solidarity & 3) asking our members to offer support via posters in their windows.
Want to come a picket with us? Then join this WhatsApp chat!