Open Collective
Open Collective
Open Collective & First Tenant
Published on March 8, 2022 by Tristan

I am very excited to have set up this collective and that Open Collective Europe graciously consented to be our fiscal host. They will enable us to manage our finances transparently, collect one-time and/or recurring donations from any sponsor, enable commercial tenants to make their contributions (and get receipts for doing so) and enable community members to get reimbursed for their work. It will also allow us to cover service and infrastructure costs (for example for the domain and website) and, maybe one day in the future, fund live events which will take place in both the real and virtual worlds simultaneously.

I am also very pleased to announce that we have our first tenant lined up and raring to go. We also have a new member of the leadership team waiting in the wings. Stay tuned for more.