Today's Balance

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Support the following initiatives from Esmail EL BoB.
Programming FOSS to test and improve my won skills and to help the community with more FOSS options
Educational videos for people to know more about Linux and how to use it
Self-host privacy respecting front-ends to protect users' privacy
Esmail EL BoB is all of us
Our contributors 1
Thank you for supporting Esmail EL BoB.

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Esmail EL BoB
Updates on our activities and progress.
September 2023 Expenses report
Hello, I will post my financial report monthly to let you know where your donated money goes and how it's being used. Projects: * Programming FOSS: Nothing....
Published on September 3, 2023 by Esmail EL BoB

I create educational videos on youtube, create free and open source software and self-host privacy respecting front-ends. My main focus lately is on self-hosting where I maintain an OVH cloud server to self-host popular front-ends and try to deliver the best experience as much as I can to make it easy for users to use my instances. and in free time I create youtube videos to teach people more about Linux and encourage them to use it and last but not least, I create FOSS software to develop my own skills and for the community to use them.
All donations here will go directly for me (as thank you for my service) but if you want to support specific thing, then I advice you to select it: Server - Youtube - Programming
All donations here will go directly for me (as thank you for my service) but if you want to support specific thing, then I advice you to select it: Server - Youtube - Programming
Our team
Esmail EL BoB