I spend my time programming for a broad range of open-source projects. My first big project was in 2014 at the alliedmodder forum, maintaining and developing further the galileo mapchooser and my addons zz's multimod plugins for Counter-Strike, Half-Life, Sven Co-op, and others.
Later on (2016-today), after helping in the Sublime Text forum, I started creating an integrated toolset environment, aiming to be a development environment to work with any programming language. This ITE is what use today to program in any language like C++, Python, Typescript, Java, HTML, CSS, etc.
In 2020, I also started contributing to the anki flashcards software with some pull-requests and helping on its support forum. You can follow my latest activities on gihub and stack overflow.
Later on (2016-today), after helping in the Sublime Text forum, I started creating an integrated toolset environment, aiming to be a development environment to work with any programming language. This ITE is what use today to program in any language like C++, Python, Typescript, Java, HTML, CSS, etc.
In 2020, I also started contributing to the anki flashcards software with some pull-requests and helping on its support forum. You can follow my latest activities on gihub and stack overflow.