Feature for Java Platform made easy

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$100 USD since Jan 2018
$20 USD since Apr 2020
ff4j is all of us
Our contributors 23
Thank you for supporting ff4j.
Cédrick Lunven
Mabrouk Belhout
George Kankava
Paul Williams
Harry Martland
Felipe Adorno
Christoph Kut...
Benjamin Ihrig
André Blaszczyk
Andrew Clemons
Hans Schulz

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Incognito to ff4j •
AWS Hosting
--.-- USD
$102.92 USD
$102.92 USD
--.-- USD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from ff4j
Updates on our activities and progress.
The team is back on tracks and new development coming

FF4j is an implementation of Feature Toggle pattern : Enable and disable features or your applications at runtime thanks to dedicated web console, REST API, JMX or even CLI. It handle also properties and provide generic interfaces.
Our team
Cédrick Lunven
Mabrouk Belhout
George Kankava
Paul Williams
Harry Martland
Felipe Adorno
Christoph Kut...
Benjamin Ihrig
André Blaszczyk
Andrew Clemons
Hans Schulz
Anuj Varma
Sathiya Shunm...
Eric Darchis
Peter Dietz
Vincent Ricard
Stéphane Nicolas
William Delanoue
Vincent Fuchs