Open Collective
Open Collective
Heartfelt thanks and notice of upcoming fund changes
Published on March 8, 2024 by Lauren Campbell

First and foremost, we wish to express our deepest appreciation for your continued support of our students over the years. Your generous donations have helped students with a wide variety of expenses ranging from emergency medical bills to leaving unsafe living environments. We write this update following Open Collective Foundation's decision to dissolve the fiscal host that maintains our Bridge Emergency Fund. You can read the official announcement here.

One important thing to note is that we will not be able to accept donations after March 15, 2024. Please take a moment to make any necessary adjustments to your accounts.

We will be working over the next several months to find an alternative system to operate our Emergency Fund in a manner that is suitable for our needs and mission. We will continue to update you as plans fall into place. Thank you, again, for your support and patience during this transition.