Open Collective
Open Collective

Flag Warriors

We raise awareness about climate change and other injustices performing with 5 meters flags.


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Financial Contributions

Flag warrior supporter

You will support our activity so we can paint more flags and do more performances. You will have discounts in case we do events.

£10 GBP of £10,000 GBP / month raised (0%)

Starts at
£5 GBP / month

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You are supporting with your contribution that this project is moving forwards, raising awareness of climate changes and other injustices with art ... Read more

Starts at
£5 GBP

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Top financial contributors

Paloma Ibarra Belmar

£330 GBP since Jun 2022

Flag Warriors is all of us

Our contributors 3

Thank you for supporting Flag Warriors.

Paloma Ibarra...


£330 GBP

Because we want to make a better World. Because...


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #567018
Contribution #567018
Contribution #567018
Today’s balance

£302.25 GBP

Total raised

£302.25 GBP

Total disbursed

--.-- GBP

Estimated annual budget

£120.00 GBP


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Flag Warriors

Updates on our activities and progress.

We are on Instagram, follow us

We are on Instagram, follow us and you will find out when are we going to perform or protest next.
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Published on July 22, 2022 by Paloma Ibarra Belmar


We are a group of artist, performers and creative people that want to change the World in a peaceful way with art in demostrations.

Our main protest are related with climate change but we also could join other important causes that needs to be address.

Why flag warriors? When you do a protest you need to grab the attention of the people and this is what we are best.

We normally go on front of all the protest as flag warriors for the cause that we are fighting in the protest.

We grab the attention and then they can focus on what is the protest about.

Other function of the flags is to be close to the people, to raise awareness, connect art with real problems, art is one of the most powerful tools that you can use when you want to deliver a message.

We introduce art that people can touch, art that people can feel, art that talks with you and art that you can try.

The fact that is a flag create a lot of belonging, as we attach flags to ideologies, symbols, countries, they they wave and play with the air, the sun, the rain you can feel more attached to that ideoa or matter that is talking about and a more soft and beutiful experience that they will take home and they will reflect about it.

The artist Otavio Aancini also point out that the flag is a symbol of ancestraily, flags were using in the battles to motivate the warriors behind, always on front.

We have groups in Brazil and London but we might think to expand this idea Worldwide.

The flags cost quite a lot of money to make, mantain and also takes a lot of effort to carry, so we asking If you believe in our project, in our ideas, if you want to change the World with us give us a little help that will help us to keep the artist alive and create more beautiful art for protest.

Thank you for your support.

Our team

Paloma Ibarra...

Because we want to make a better World. Because...