Open Collective
Open Collective

Fromehall Mill CBS Share Offer Nov2023

A community benefit society share offer to buy Fromehall Mill

Estimated Annual Budget
Today's Balance
Share Offer


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution
Monthly Donation

Here you can set-up an ongoing monthly donation rather than shares, to support Fromehall Mill as a community asset, owned by and for the local comm... Read more

Starts at
£5 GBP / month

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Be the first one to contribute!
One-time contribution
Ad-Hoc Donation

Here you can make a one-off donation, rather than shares, to support us acquiring Fromehall Mill as a community asset owned by and for the community.

Starts at
£10 GBP

Latest activity by

Invest £100 or more

The minimum investment is £100. More is always helpful, but every penny will support the purchase of Fromehall Mill as a community incubator for St... Read more

£7,627.99 GBP of £50,000 GBP raised (15%)

Starts at
£100 GBP

Latest activity by

+ 45
Invest £1,000 or more

The minimum investment for this tier is £1,000 and is for those able to give a little more, helping us to reach our goal faster., supporting the pu... Read more

£0.00 GBP of £100,000 GBP raised (0%)

Starts at
£1,000 GBP

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!
Invest over £10,000

For investments over £10,000, contact us directly at [email protected]

£0.00 GBP of £100,000 GBP raised (0%)

Starts at
£10,000 GBP

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!

Fromehall Mill CBS Share Offer Nov2023 is all of us

Our contributors 56

Thank you for supporting Fromehall Mill CBS Share Offer Nov2023.


Invest £100 or more

£500 GBP

Kalandar Gregory

Invest £100 or more

£500 GBP


Invest £100 or more

£300 GBP


Invest £100 or more

£300 GBP


Invest £100 or more

£300 GBP

Kent Spong

Invest £100 or more

£250 GBP

Robin James

Invest £100 or more

£250 GBP

Peter Collins

Invest £100 or more

£250 GBP


Invest £100 or more

£250 GBP


Transparent and open finances.

View all transactions
Contribution #769560
Contribution #760651
Contribution #756484
Today’s balance

£7,756.63 GBP

Total income

£7,756.63 GBP

Total disbursed

--.-- GBP

Estimated annual budget

£2,050.00 GBP


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Fromehall Mill CBS Share Offer Nov2023

Updates on our activities and progress.

Share Offer launch NOV 2023 - raising match funding to buy Fromehall Mill.

Fromehall Mill Community Benefit Society FMCBS has been formed to purchase Fromehall Mill as a community asset, meaning that it will forever after be owned by and for the community it serves.This historic building has provided tenants, past...
Read more
Published on October 12, 2023 by FMCBS admin


The Fromehall Mill Community Benefit Society is making an application to the Community Ownership Fund and raising match funding via a community share offer to buy the Fromehall Mill and keep it in community ownership for posterity.

Fromehall Mill is an historic, Grade 2 Listed building with a thriving community of artisanal, creative, charitable and community organisations engaged with the local community.

The mill has allowed it's many tenants to develop, grow and flourish in a unique and affordable setting, supporting the local community while nurturing innovation that has impact globally.

Help us to continue this legacy as we work to make this an enduring, protected community asset.