Collective pending approval.
Awaiting approval from Open Collective Foundation.

Part of: GeekBeacon Foundation
Travel the world to share geeky experiences with the rest of GeekBeacon

There are serious questions one must answer in this life. Holding aloft an invisible orange, we peer into the swirling mists of human experience to ask ourselves one question above all: what is a geek? Our growing GeekBeacon community has attracted geeks of all stripes, from gamers to creatives, active livestreamers to programmers and everything in between. Our Squirrel Army consists of neurodivergents tossing collective experiences around the circle to see what we can all learn from each other, offering support and relatable camaraderie. We have a dedicated tech section with programmers from the beginner to the advanced, discussing projects and helping each other out. GeekBeacon has artists, writers, cosplayers and entertainment aficionados. Far from the largest geek community out there, our growing collective still encompasses an impressive cross-section of interests. As amazing and singular as the GeekBeacon community is, there's so much more to find and so many more of you out there!
Not content to sit still and let it all happen around us, we've decided to dive in and see where the current takes us! Proudly unfurling our geek flags and letting them flap brazenly in the wind, hitting the road to find and explore all things geek! Not only is our epic quest geek-centric by design, we'll also be broadening our portfolio of geekery by taking the "gearhead" class option with our work on the lovely Princess Buttercup. Not the character from the Princess Bride (cult favorite films are another geek niche? Inconceivable!), but our robust GMC that's a combination of valiant steed and [tiny home]! We'll be traveling all over, following the veins and tributaries of geek culture that unite us in a common language of enthusiasm and engagement. Geeks Abroad will be bringing you all things geek, from the technical to the creative and everything in between!
We'll be finding the small shops of niche specialities and novel curiosities as well as the massive game and hobby stores packed with your usual suspects. There will be conferences and expos on everything from back-end programming to end-user shiny toys, game cons and special events! From geek-themed taverns and restaurants to arcades, we'll be finding you some of the best nerdy destinations and events to share. Geeks Abroad will be following the signal to wherever it takes us, hoping to meet and collaborate with other geeky digital nomads as we go!
Connecting you to geeks of all kinds, Geeks Abroad will be showcasing it all. Gamers hailing from the realm of video games with Minecraft master builders, sure, but we also have tabletop gamers! Whether a pen-and-paper roleplaying game like Dungeons & Dragons or a card game like Pokémon or Magic: the Gathering. There are the academic geeks in their hallowed halls of knowledge and their potentially exploding laboratories (can we find an actual lair? any geeks with lairs want us to visit?). For literal and actual centuries there have been massive fandoms built around theater and literature. Geeks Abroad won't just be focusing on entertainment and recreation, either! There are history buffs and art enthusiasts, scientists and engineers. Transcending demographic and locale, geek culture draws in people from all over the world to explore ideas, enjoy hobbies, and expand collective knowledge. We'll be talking to cybersecurity experts about privacy in the age of mass surveillance and looking at how hacktivism is being used to effect real changes in the world around us.
If you want all the behind-the-scenes goodies and exclusive content, give our Twitter a follow to be in on the breaking news and wacky hijinks! Come join us on our epic quest to discover geeky locations and nerdy events in tech, geek culture, and gaining gearhead XP on the way! Bridging the gaps in understanding and building connection through the sovereign languages of Geekdom as we embark on our adventure to hook up with our geeky friends and make all new ones as we curate the finest in nerdery and shenanigans in our fresh travel series, Geeks Abroad!