Greater Manchester Food Sovereignty Project
Bringing people across Greater Manchester together around Food Sovereignty

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Greater Manchester Food Sovereignty Project is hosting the following events.
Top financial contributors
£50,290 GBP since Apr 2023
Greater Manchester Food Sovereignty Project is all of us
Our contributors 3
Thank you for supporting Greater Manchester Food Sovereignty Project.

Transparent and open finances.
£24,262.02 GBP
£50,290.00 GBP
£26,027.98 GBP
--.-- GBP

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Greater Manchester Food Sovereignty Project
Updates on our activities and progress.
Follow up from gathering 14 July 2023
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
GMFS Project 3rd Gathering. Revolutionising Our Food Future: A Recap and Next Steps
Published on November 28, 2023 by Teresa Pereira
Hey GMFSP Team! What a fantastic third gathering we had! Your drive, knowledge and collabora...
Pillars of Food Sovereignty
Published on September 20, 2023 by Elsa Little
At our last gathering we discussed the 6 pillars of Food Sovereignty. The six pillars are Builds Knowledge and Skills, Food for People, Localises Food Production, Work with Nature, Valuing Food Producers and Puts Control Locally. While all...
Principles of food sovereignty
Published on August 24, 2023 by Victoria Holden
Food for people: the right to food which is healthy and culturally appropriate is the basic legal demand underpinning food sovereignty. Guaranteeing it requires policies which support diversified food production in each reg...

Our team
Victoria Holden