⏱️ 01:48 ⇄29.7km ⌀16.3km/h ↗?m ↘?m
Another fine ride, and for the first time with an old friend and his old bicycle, a beautiful Moulton. We met for a preliminary coffee in a newly reclaimed park down by the Tiber, which when I lived nearby was a barren wasteland used mostly by junkies, the unhoused, and intrepid dog-walkers.
But those bicycle racks?!? Utterly unusable, except, as we did, to lean against. Here's a closer look.
Too low, not enough space, a guaranteed wheel bender. Of course we didn't say anything, just drank our coffee, made our excuses, and left.
At the turnaround, a rack of a different sort.
Very pleasant overall, riding with someone. I am hoping this will become frequent, if not regular.
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