Green Data Earth has been archived.
Green Data Earth has been archived and is no longer active.
Green Data Earth
Part of: Capacity+ Project
GreenData.Earth aims to provide the necessary resources to enable us to reduce the offsetting of our digital life.
Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
Green Data Earth
from Luis Tiago to Green Data Earth •
-£1,399.00 GBP
Green Data Earth
from Luis Tiago to Green Data Earth •
-£1,000.00 GBP
Today’s balance--.-- GBP
Total raised
£3,200.00 GBP
Total disbursed
£3,200.00 GBP
Estimated annual budget
--.-- GBP
Project Description
Digital collaboration is at the core of CoLab activities, as well as the global activities and daily digital life of the permaculture movement and allied movements and citizens around the world.
Today with more than 4 billion internet users the digital online activity is offsetting more than the air travel industry.
GreenData.Earth aims to provide the necessary resources to enable us to reduce the offsetting of our digital life.
"As people, we need to adopt an ethic of right livelihood, for if we bend our labor and skills to work that is destructive, we are the destroyers … We should not be passive workers in established destructive systems, but rather we can be investors in life. We cannot profess or teach one ethic, and live another, without damage to ourselves and to common resources."
-Bill Mollison, A Designer's manual p. 507
A website to :
- Create awareness about the impact of online activities by producing content about the topic
- Provide technical resources for calculating the digital&online footprint
- Provide educational resources for ethical content generation and design
- Create a microenterprise based on services and/or products to reduce the online footprint
Resources granted
- 4000 £ GBP based on a rate of 15£ or 20£ that represents a number of 200 to 250 hours of work.
Budget lines:
E13 – 500GBP - Seed grants
E13 – 500GBP - Seed grants
E14 – 2000GBP - Software and digital content developer
E15 – 1500GBP - User experience designer
Part of this budget will be for stipends for other peers that will collaborate on the development of this proposal.
E15 – 1500GBP - User experience designer
Part of this budget will be for stipends for other peers that will collaborate on the development of this proposal.
- Miro Boards (shared colab account can create boards so the project can use them with individual members accounts)
Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Green Data Earth
Updates on our activities and progress.
Transfer of grant monies Green Data Earth
I have transferred 3,200GBP here as 800GBP has already been paid out for this project. You can see the transaction on the main page of C+ under transactions.
Published on September 21, 2021 by Aimee Fenech