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Financial Contributions
Green Earth Vision is all of us
Our contributors 2
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Transparent and open finances.
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Today’s balance$8.50 USD
Total income
$10.00 USD
Total disbursed
$1.50 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD
Our goal is to provide the support systems (in the form of digital platforms & physical spaces) that will achieve the following outcomes through our funded initiatives:
- Unify groups, individuals, companies, and organizations that are focused on building a better world at the systemic level.
- Provide an educational platform that aligns and educates people in support of projects that provide regenerative systemic solutions towards our common goal of global thriveability. See the GAIAA Teachable platform.
- Open-source all the world’s best solutions onto one digital platform that will connect & support individuals & organizations to co-create together globally.
- Provide access to personal transformation services, alternative healing methods, and professional development training to all contributors, co-creators & partner organizations.
- Launch the Full Potential Synergy Hub - A prototype network of centers for helping each other live a passionate & purpose-driven lifestyle while being supported in our individual contributions towards environmental & social sustainability. Please subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates on this initiative.
- Create a regenerative economy that is no longer dependent on our current economic model and can thrive independently.
- Foster a movement of inspired leaders that support each other in building a new paradigm that works for the people, planet & all life!
Our team
Green Earth V...
josh pasmore