Open Collective
Open Collective

Grey Software

Grey Software is a not-for-profit on a mission to give people access to software they can trust, love, and learn from!


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

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+ 2

With a Bronze sponsorship, your logo and name will be displayed under the Bronze tier section on the Credits file across all of our repositories on... Read more

$100 CAD / month

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!

With a Silver sponsorship, your logo, name, and 140 character description will be displayed under the Silver tier section on the Credits file acros... Read more

$250 CAD / month

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!

With a Gold sponsorship, your logo, name, 140 character description, and up to three social links will be displayed under the Gold tier section on ... Read more

$500 CAD / month

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!

With a platinum sponsorship, your logo, name, 140 character description, and up to three social links will be displayed under the Platinum tier sec... Read more

$1,000 CAD / month

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Be the first one to contribute!


Support the following initiatives from Grey Software.

Reclaim your focus with a web extension that hides distracting feeds!

Grey Software is all of us

Our contributors 7

Thank you for supporting Grey Software.

Arsala Bangash


$396 CAD

Raj Paul

Core Contributor


$165 CAD


$150 CAD


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #549201
Contribution #549201
Contribution #549201
Today’s balance

$2,760.49 CAD

Total income

$5,315.59 CAD

Total disbursed

$2,555.10 CAD

Estimated annual budget

$60.00 CAD


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Grey Software

Updates on our activities and progress.

This week in Grey Software 2020-08-24

We released major updates to our two focus extensions, and joined Ontario's TechAlliance incubator!Twitter Focus UpdatesTwitter focus now blocks feeds when a user navigates away and back to the homepage. The extens...
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Published on August 25, 2020 by Arsala Bangash

This week in Grey Software 2020-08-03

This week, we officially submitted our articles of incorporation, launched a blog on our website, and began drawing up slides for collaboration models with other organizations.🖼️ Big Picture Org StuffGrey Software officially submitted it's n...
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Published on August 10, 2020 by Arsala Bangash


Thank you for visiting our OpenCollective page. 

Our organization is working to create a world of empowered all professionals creating software that we can love, trust, and learn from. Will do this by empowering people to create and use open-source software.

Corporate backers on open collective make our open products and open education initiatives possible, and we reciprocate the generosity in trust by:

- Giving valuable advertising space on our online software products and education ecosystem
- Providing open analytics and open accounting so that you can see your visibility impact and where your money is going

- [Our website](
- [Our org website](
- [Our onboarding website](
- [Our glossary](

Our team

Raj Paul

Core Contributor