Grey Software
Grey Software is a not-for-profit on a mission to give people access to software they can trust, love, and learn from!

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Support the following initiatives from Grey Software.
Reclaim your focus with a web extension that hides distracting feeds!
Grey Software is all of us
Our contributors 7
Thank you for supporting Grey Software.
Arsala Bangash
$396 CAD
Raj Paul
Core Contributor
$165 CAD
$150 CAD
Futurist Foun...
$20 CAD

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Incognito to Grey Software •
Contribution #549201
Credit from Incognito to Grey Software •
Contribution #549201
Credit from Incognito to Grey Software •
Contribution #549201
Today’s balance$2,760.49 CAD
Total income
$5,315.59 CAD
Total disbursed
$2,555.10 CAD
Estimated annual budget
$60.00 CAD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Grey Software
Updates on our activities and progress.
This week in Grey Software 2020-08-24
We released major updates to our two focus extensions, and joined Ontario's TechAlliance incubator!Twitter Focus UpdatesTwitter focus now blocks feeds when a user navigates away and back to the homepage. The extens...
Published on August 25, 2020 by Arsala Bangash
This week in Grey Software 2020-08-03
This week, we officially submitted our articles of incorporation, launched a blog on our website, and began drawing up slides for collaboration models with other organizations.🖼️ Big Picture Org StuffGrey Software officially submitted it's n...
Published on August 10, 2020 by Arsala Bangash

Thank you for visiting our OpenCollective page.
Our organization is working to create a world of empowered all professionals creating software that we can love, trust, and learn from. Will do this by empowering people to create and use open-source software.
Corporate backers on open collective make our open products and open education initiatives possible, and we reciprocate the generosity in trust by:
- Giving valuable advertising space on our online software products and education ecosystem
- Providing open analytics and open accounting so that you can see your visibility impact and where your money is going
- [Our website](https://grey.software)
- [Our org website](https://org.grey.software)
- [Our onboarding website](https://onboarding.grey.software)
- [Our glossary](https://glossary.grey.software)
Our team
Arsala Bangash
Raj Paul
Core Contributor