Open Collective
Open Collective


HackerspaceSG is a community centre for Singapore's tech and maker scenes.


(If you prefer to pay in USD, please visit our GitHub Sponsors page.)

HackerspaceSG is Singapore's very own hackerspace.

There are hundreds of such hackerspaces around the world, where people with common interests in computers, technology, science, digital and electronic art, come together to meet, socialise and collaborate.

Built by and for geeks, nerds, inventors, engineers, and entrepreneurs, HackerspaceSG is the Singapore tech and maker communities' home, living room and laboratory. Come hang out with the community in the evenings. Co-work with us during the day. We also host regular events, meetups, presentations, workshops, and movie nights for everyone.

Why are we raising funds?

HackerspaceSG has always been a physical space that serves the greater tech and maker communities in Singapore. We've survived almost 12 years and a pandemic thanks to the financial contributions from our members and supporters, but we're looking to spread the load out a little more.

Here are some of the things we'd like to do:
  • Infrastructure improvements to make our new space better
    • As of July 2022: install better lighting, and paint some of the walls white to make our place better for events
  • Spread out the financial costs of operating the space — more people means everyone gets to pay less!
    • When we get closer to our goal, our aim is to revise membership prices down, because we want more people to be able to use the space and keep our community active and connected.
  • Have open nights for anyone to be able to come in, work on their own projects, and interact with people (if you'd like to attend one, let us know in our Telegram group chat!)
  • Nurture, engage, and involve students and career switchers in our tech and maker communities, so that Singapore's tech community continues to stay vibrant!
Our estimated monthly operational costs (rent, bills, cleaning) are approximately $3,700 SGD. We moved to a new place in October 2021, which was 28% cheaper than our old one (downside: we're now on the fifth floor with no lift), but we're hoping to eventually get back on a stable financial footing, and move to more accessible venues to create a space for more people to learn, work, and hack at!

As the tech and maker communities we've touched have grown tremendously since our founding in 2009, we hope that more people would be willing to chip in with a small, regular monthly contribution. We'll be able to keep the lights on, and do so much more, with 300 people contributing $16/month each. (That's $4,800 a month, which would let us survive, and give us a healthy 30% buffer for us for improvements, or just to let us save up for a newer, more accessible space.)

Would you be willing to be one of our 300 Spartans helping keep our space and community alive?

(p.s. New and curious about Open Collective? Here's the link to their payment documentation. If you're unable to cancel the recurring payment to HackerspaceSG on your end and need help, please contact us and we'll try to assist the best we can.)

(p.p.s. Don't want to create an account? You can make a one-time contribution using this Stripe payment link!)

How can I get in touch?

Our Telegram group is the main method for people to get in touch with the HackerspaceSG community. Check out our Connect page for more methods to connect with everyone!

Can I help share this page at events?

We've created a QR code directly to this page. Scan this!


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution
HackerspaceSG 365

More hands make light work! Get access to the space for the evenings. (See for details.)

$365 SGD / year

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!
Supporter (monthly)

We'll thank you by name on our new Supporters page (when it's up). Every little bit helps!

$64.80 SGD of $3,700 SGD / month raised (2%)

Starts at
$16 SGD / month

Latest activity by

+ 4
One-time contribution
Supporter (one-time)

If you're just passing by — thank you for your contribution towards helping us maintain a physical space for Singapore's tech and maker communities!

Starts at
$50 SGD

Latest activity by

+ 5
Membership (monthly)

Be a pillar of our community, and get 24/7 access to the space. (See for details.)

Starts at
$128 SGD / month

Latest activity by

+ 6
Membership (yearly)

(If you'd like to pay yearly.) Be a pillar of our community, and get 24/7 access to the space. (See for details.)

Starts at
$1,536 SGD / year

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!

Top financial contributors



S$2,432 SGD since Feb 2023

Tai Shi Ling

S$2,192 SGD since Dec 2021


S$1,408 SGD since Jun 2023

Gergo Erdi

S$820 SGD since Oct 2021


S$768 SGD since Sep 2024

Saurabh Dutta

S$656 SGD since Sep 2021

Sam Hon

S$532 SGD since Nov 2021

Valentine C

S$528 SGD since Mar 2021


S$320 SGD since Jul 2022

Vickreman Harvey Chettiar

S$304 SGD since Jul 2022

Ambrose Chua

S$256 SGD since Jun 2022

Clarence Alucho

S$256 SGD since Oct 2022

Joseph Rocca

S$256 SGD since Feb 2023

Michael Cheng

S$256 SGD since Dec 2024

Kim S

S$240 SGD since Feb 2023



S$768 SGD since Mar 2024

HackerspaceSG is all of us

Our contributors 27

Thank you for supporting HackerspaceSG.

Valentine C


$528 SGD

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you do...


$2,432 SGD

Tai Shi Ling

Supporter (monthly)

$2,192 SGD


Membership (monthly)

$1,408 SGD

Gergo Erdi

Supporter (monthly)

$820 SGD


Membership (monthly)

$768 SGD

Jiayou, Hackerspace.SG! Keep doing the good wor...


Membership (monthly)

$768 SGD

Saurabh Dutta

Supporter (monthly)

$656 SGD

Sam Hon

Supporter (one-time)

$532 SGD


Membership (monthly)

$320 SGD

Vickreman Har...

Supporter (monthly)

$304 SGD


Support the following initiatives from HackerspaceSG.

Help support the space for $1 a day!


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #817276
Contribution #788911
Contribution #742858
Today’s balance

$12,456.11 SGD

Total income

$12,456.11 SGD

Total disbursed

--.-- SGD

Estimated annual budget

$7,952.00 SGD