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Hi! I'm Hakan
I've worked on Open Source since 2015 and during that time I've created 10+ maven artifacts and couple of tutorials.
I've created and now maintain several open-source libraries, tutorials and applications:
- Mutual TLS SSL Tutorial of setting up ssl for a server and client
- SSLContext Kickstart High level library for easily configuring ssl for http server and client
- Certificate Ripper Easily extract server certificates
- LogCaptor Capturing logs for testing purposes
- ConsoleCaptor Capturing console for testing purposes
- Java tutorials Various java tutorials for Spring, SSL, Mockito, Netty, Vertx etc
I write articles Dzone
Thank you for your support!
I've worked on Open Source since 2015 and during that time I've created 10+ maven artifacts and couple of tutorials.
I've created and now maintain several open-source libraries, tutorials and applications:
- Mutual TLS SSL Tutorial of setting up ssl for a server and client
- SSLContext Kickstart High level library for easily configuring ssl for http server and client
- Certificate Ripper Easily extract server certificates
- LogCaptor Capturing logs for testing purposes
- ConsoleCaptor Capturing console for testing purposes
- Java tutorials Various java tutorials for Spring, SSL, Mockito, Netty, Vertx etc
I write articles Dzone
Thank you for your support!
Our team
Hakan Altindag