Heart Place Charity Hospital has been archived.
Heart Place Charity Hospital has been archived and is no longer active.
Heart Place Charity Hospital
Part of: Heart Place Charity Hospital
A centre for Healers to heal and to be healed

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
Credit from Karen Lindsay to Heart Place Charity Hospital •
Contribution #526707
Today’s balance--.-- NZD
Total raised
$445.20 NZD
Total disbursed
$445.20 NZD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- NZD

Heart Place Hospital is a healing health system based in Northland New Zealand. It provides healing food, movement, energy, mindset and self care for people who care.
People can come with a significant other or on their own and been introduced to a entree of healing modalities to support them to be care-full.
People can come with a significant other or on their own and been introduced to a entree of healing modalities to support them to be care-full.
Our team

Heart Place Charity Hospital is all of us
Our contributors 1
Thank you for supporting Heart Place Charity Hospital.