Open Collective
Open Collective

Heart Place Charity Hospital

Fiscal Host: Gift Collective

Centre for Healers , future Healers and others to replenish recharge reconnect, resource and remember



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Support Heart Place Charity Hospital - centre for healing healers and future healers

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Heart Place Charity Hospital is all of us

Our contributors 69

Thank you for supporting Heart Place Charity Hospital.

Heart Place H...

Thank you for your kind donation to support Car...

The Poi Room

$4,620 NZD


$1,111 NZD

Melissa Barry

Wild Heart Medicinal Chocolate

$493 NZD

Rea Landon

Care-full Assurance

$484 NZD

Lydia Gillman

$444 NZD

anna witten

Care-full Assurance

$358 NZD


$350 NZD


Online Energy session with ...

$333 NZD

Mary Van Laar...

Online Energy session with ...

$333 NZD


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #661281
Contribution #478358
-$120.00 NZD
Today’s balance

$116.90 NZD

Total raised

$13,314.99 NZD

Total disbursed

$13,198.09 NZD

Estimated annual budget

$1,848.00 NZD


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Heart Place Charity Hospital

Updates on our activities and progress.

Heart Place Hospital Golf Fundraiser

The NZ registered charity, Heart Place Hospital (since May 2023), is dedicated to supporting our front line workers in the health and education sectors. We use an individualised, bespoke approach to awaken and amplify the power and progress...
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Published on February 12, 2024 by Heart Place Hospital

NZ Registered Charity, commercial consent and book award

Dear Friends of Heart Place Hospital Thank you for your support. In the past 10 days we have become a NZ Registered Charity (which is being set up for use atm) received commercial consent to fit out the first physical Heart Place Hospital,...
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Published on June 6, 2023 by Heart Place Hospital

Welcome to Heart Place Charity Hospital

Dear friends of Heart Place Hospital Heart Place Hospital recently held a 40 day and 40 night Pledgeme campaign. Thank you to everyone who supported the campaign and Heart Place Hospital. We have more rewards available to access and redeem....
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Published on April 25, 2023 by Heart Place Hospital


 Heart Place Hospital
Jacqui O'Connor created Heart Place Hospital after she was left lost and alone on her own island searching for a mother ship when one dimensional support of conventional medicine no longer served her.

Heart Place Hospital works as a conduit connecting front-line visitors in health and education to healed service providers to support them to avoid or recover from burnout, creating healthy boundaries, advocating for themselves and others and crafting a life that best suits them to thrive

Our days are FULL with frontline workers who are either depleted and can’t see their way forward all the way to health visionaries looking for the light to guide them through the fog to create great change from this chaos.  As well as parents concerned for their kids experiencing anxiety - our future visionaries - something we know so well. 

We get it because for so much of my life and most of our careers as a frontliners we were left feeling our femininity - particularly my empathy, my intuition and my emotions were a liability we needed to "fix" if we wanted to be a successful medicine women and human. We didn't realise at the time that these feminine qualities are exactly what a true healer must embody to help another human being heal. They're also the traits all of us - men and women included - need to balance within ourselves if we are to become forces for healing, not only within our professions, also for our culture and planet.

Heart Place Hospital is here to support humanity, guide, offer tools from my expertise, and hold space for the process, however I will not “fix” anyone - for we do not believe anyone is broken and we hold the vision for all our wholeness.

Heart Place Hospital is feminizing the broken, outdated, patriarchal health and education system reclaim love as a healing practice, bring spirituality back to medicine, encourage people/healer collaboration, empower patients to heal themselves, and change how we deliver and receive health care.

Of all the creative babies we've birthed Heart Place Hospital and the physical Heart Place Charity Hospital are the ones that land me smack dab in the centre of our purpose, and we hold them near and dear to our heart.  Jacqui has spent the past seven years researching the cutting edge of what really makes people sick and what really makes our bodies ripe for miracles, and everything she'd learned-everything she wished they had taught her in nursing and life but hadn't she offers to Healers and future Healers. This is her offering to the transformation of consciousness that is currently underway on our planet, and she offers it with her whole cracked open heart .

Our team

Heart Place H...

Thank you for your kind donation to support Car...