Open Collective
Open Collective
We’re almost 1 year old, and still struggling to keep up with requests
Published on May 4, 2021 by Annie

Hello from the Herne Hill Solidarity Fund,

This Solidarity Fund was created out of the Mutual Aid groups that were really active this time last spring. Since starting we have redistributed almost £5,000 from donators to fund requesters!

This is a quick update about our finances and about proof of address that we ask from requesters. 
In order to make sure we are supporting residents in SE24, we will be asking all requesters for proof of address for SE24 for any requests made in June 2021. With people’s lives changing (our requesters and volunteers), we thought it would make sense to ask all recipients for proof of address in June, a year after we started. 
This proof of address can be anything, from a doctors’ note, electricity bill, letter from the Council. If you have given proof of address before, please provide it with us again for June in your application.
Thank you to everyone who has donated and requested funds this last year. However, without further donations, next month we might have to start saying no to requests when there is no money in the bank account. Currently we get around £300 in donations each month, and about 15 people requesting support. This means we are redistributing £750 out to residents each month, leaving a £350 gap in support. 

And finally,  We’re almost 1 year old, and still struggling to keep up with requests who have donated £250 to our Herne Hill Solidarity Fund! This is going to help our requesters this month. 

In solidarity,
Annie (fund admin) 

p.s Any feedback, big or small, good or bad is always appreciated, please let us know here