please note that our contributor portal is at https://higenku.org/acknowledgments/
Our team

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Support us with a one time contribution. You will help us maintain our servers up, bank our open events and donate to our contributors and the libr... Read more
Support us with a contribution every month. You will help us maintain our servers up, bank our open events and donate to our contributors and libra... Read more
Support us with a one time contribution. You will help us maintain our servers up, bank our open events and donate to our contributors and the libr... Read more
Support us with a contribution every month. You will help us maintain our servers up, bank our open events and donate to our contributors and the l... Read more
Top financial contributors
R$5 BRL since Sep 2019
Higenku is all of us
Our contributors 1
Thank you for supporting Higenku.

Transparent and open finances.
R$4.41 BRL
R$4.41 BRL
--.-- BRL
--.-- BRL