Homebrew Hub
A showcase/archive of homebrews, patches, hackroms for old consoles. Provides community submission, tagging and rating features.

The (open) digital archive of Game Boy software
Homebrew Hub is a community-led attempt to collect, archive and preserve every unofficial game and homebrew for Game Boy (Color) released through decades of passionate work. Each ROM can be easily downloaded or played directly in the browser, through an accurate emulator.
We currently have 1096 entries in the database.
We currently have 1096 entries in the database.
Anyone can add new entries or improve the existing ones. Whatever it's something you just finished creating with your friends or a lost music cartridge from 20 years ago, check out the database repository to get involved.
Digital Preservation
We are committed to build a digital memory of the Game Boy homebrew development scene. We salvaged some of the first ever unofficial software from the 90s and we keep working to harvest more.
Open and accessible
The database is maintained on a public git repository. Everyone can contribute and audit. Entries metadata follows a well defined JSON schema and the full data set is released under a permissive license.

Become a financial contributor.