Honeyflow Community
we are a project network for holistic lifestyle - we are the bees of the invisible (rilke)

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Contribute to our work with small drops of honey, so we may fly happily through our fieldwork Your contributions here help us in general to keep o... Read more
€0.00 EUR of €100 EUR / month raised (0%)
Contribute to our work with spoons of honey, so we may fly happily through our fieldwork Your contributions here help us in general to keep our wo... Read more
€0.00 EUR of €100 EUR / month raised (0%)
Contribute to our work with a honey jar, so we may fly happily through our fieldwork Your contributions here help us in general to keep our work a... Read more
€0.00 EUR of €200 EUR / month raised (0%)
Bzzzz... Yammm... How can we thank, to this abundance of honey, now our bees will have lots of energy to work for the intercultural honeyflow! Yamm... Read more
Support the following initiatives from Honeyflow Community.
Honeyflow Community is hosting the following events.
Honeyflow Community is all of us
Our contributors 6
Thank you for supporting Honeyflow Community.
Yunus Amin
Hamad Khan
Arianne Horne...
Kolja Kusenberg
Maximilian Sc...

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Honeyflow Community
Updates on our activities and progress.

Guided by nature and our vision of interbeing, we work in four main project fields:
1 - City Life
In Witten, NRW Germany, we have a refugee support centre, where neighbours meet and many cultural activities take place. This project started in 2015 with the first wave of refugees and with the beginning of the war in Ukraine, we launched a one-year project for Ukrainian refugees in particular. Overall we work here for an inclusive culture in Witten.
2 - Farm Life
On the other side of the Ruhr River, we have our CSA (community-supported agriculture) Farm Fliederhof, which started last year and is led by two school teachers of gardening, who have built up a community of people around their farm, who support them monthly financially and with community work Sundays once a month and in exchange get weekly veggie boxes.
3 - Global Connections
Aside from our work in Witten, we have a strong connection to South Asia, because our member Shahida has founded several school projects in Lahore and our member Arianne just started a project in Bangladesh.
4. Inner Life and Healing
The fourth field of work in our NGO is an exploration of our inner lives through silence, contemplative exercises and social healing practices. We see this fourth field as an inner balance to our work in projects, to emphasize the importance of emotional health.
Our team
Yunus Amin
Hamad Khan
Arianne Horne...
Kolja Kusenberg
Maximilian Sc...