Open Collective
Open Collective


Hey, I’m Hugo. I have been doing open source since 2010 and i'm passionate about the web, browsers, decentralization, distributed networks, high performance web apps and developer experience. 

Creator of and 
Contributor to IPFS, libp2p, UCAN, Filecoin, IPVM, IPNS and multiformats 
Working on 
  • filsnap - Metamask Filecoin Wallet
  • iso - Set of tools for passkeys, dids, signatures, base encoding, websockets, kv and more
  • iso-filecoin - Isomorphic filecoin abstractions for RPC, signatures, address, token and wallet. Used by the Metamask Filecoin Wallet and Ledger Live Filecoin app.
  • metamask tools - Collection of tools for E2E testing metamask, metamask flask and metamask snaps.
  • playwright-test - Run unit tests with several test runners or benchmark inside real browsers with playwright and other Javascript runtimes.

Find me on Github, X, or Linkedin.
If you enjoy my work consider sponsor me. Thank you!

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Today's Balance


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Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution

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Starts at
€5 EUR / month
Recurring contribution

Become a sponsor for €100.00 per month and support us

Starts at
€100 EUR / month
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Hugo Dias is all of us

Our contributors 1

Thank you for supporting Hugo Dias.