Invoice #178994 to Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy
Design services
Submitted by Stephanie Lima•Approved by Aman Bardia
Dec 22, 2023
Total amount $985.00 USD
payout method

Comments are private.
You must be signed in as an admin or the expense submitter to read comments on an expense.
Collective balance
Expense policies
Expense policies
All expenses must have a valid invoice or receipt.
Payments are made weekly, once they have been approved by Simply Secure. We are able to pay via Paypal, Transferwise (Euros, GBP, other currencies) or a bank transfer (US only).
Make invoices out to: Simply Secure, 501 W 122nd Street, A5, New York, NY 10027.
Here is an invoice template (Google Doc) you can use (fill out the blue parts and leave the black parts).
Questions? Contact us (, or make a comment on the relevant expense.
Tax formsIf you are filling invoices for more than $600 (or equivalent) in the year, you will need to send one of those forms to the host of your collective:
Note: Reimbursed expenses don't count in the $600 limit. This is only if you are getting paid by the collective.
How do I get paid from a Collective?
How are expenses approved?
Is my private data made public?
When will I get paid?
Why do you need my legal name?
Collective balance
$0.00 USDFiscal Host: