The Ukraine War Archive is a non-profit information platform that aggregates and organises media materials collected from the war in Ukraine to accurately preserve the story of the war and protect relevant data. UWA, therefore, provides a vital and lasting tool for the just representation of events in public and legal discourse.
To safeguard information as part of a large-scale, long-term effort against disinformation and Human Rights violations. To establish a secure public record of war crimes that catalogues evidence, making materials available to search, locate, and apply for access. To advocate for truth and protect the testimony of those directly affected by the war in Ukraine.
Our goal is to preserve the story of the Ukraine war and make it accessible with proper systematisation and regulated access. By creating an information platform that aggregates and organises media materials collected from the war in Ukraine—from both open and closed sources—we can protect relevant data as a tool for justice.
For UWA to collaborate with other organisations in a shared Index of Accountability: a public resource created to keep record of who has what information so it can be used as evidence (with permissions). This way, independent projects can search the index and apply to the relevant institution for access to materials.
Our team
Maksym Demydenko