Hello there! Are you curious about Inner Transition or are you already involved in it? We'd love to invite you to the Inner Transition Community of Being and Practice!
It is a group of people interested and involved in Inner Transition. We're stewarding together the paradigm shift towards healthier ways of relating to ourselves, to each other in our communities and with the life in this precious planet.
It is an open community and we all nourish it by gathering in our events, and also sharing in the virtual space, to where you're invited, too, to keep the flame alive. We'd love you to join if that's in your flow. It is totally free and you'll be able to leave if a time comes when you feel it's not for you. You'll see that the space is pretty social media aesthetic, without any kind of advertisement, and the group interactions are the core of it. Is it your first time? To enter, click here.