Open Collective
Open Collective
2023 Year End Update
Published on December 22, 2023 by Monica Komperda

Hello dear friends and neighbors,

Thank you again for another year of support. Irving Park Mutual Aid is still just a small, but mighty, loving crew. We've been keeping the fire burning, and doing what we can to build up our community.

As most know, our main focus is food equity, sovereignty, and security. We've been partnering with Chicago Food Sovereignty Coalition (CFSC) to rescue good, quality food, that would normally be discarded by pantries and retailers. That food is redirected back to CFSC storage spaces. We then help organize and distribute that food across Chicago. Our participation in this project has kept a steady flow of groceries to 20+ families we're regularly in contact with.

A small portion of our spending has gone towards helping the CFSC food project, and their food storage spaces running effectively.

We don’t just want our community to be fed. We want them to be comfortable. We’ve spent some funds to help purchase a kid’s mattress, and provided $1,400 in financial assistance. That financial assistance was a mix of rent funds, phone bills, and so on. We’ve made some small purchases of special requests, like coffee (which we don’t often rescue), personal care items like pads and tampons, child care items, and cleaning supplies.

We believe our community deserves the right to be fed, have a roof over their head, and some comfort. We also believe that our community deserves joy. This year we provided $450 in support for holiday gifts, supporting about 8 kids.

Looking ahead at 2024 - we don’t know what the year will bring. We do know that we’ll all get through it together. The ups, the downs, and all the in betweens.

If you’re looking to join us, please reach out via email: [email protected].

IPMA Squad