Italia Open-Source
The first platform dedicated to Italian open-source world
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Support the following initiatives from Italia Open-Source.
State of Open-Source is the official repository of Italia Open-Source where reports and data rela...
Through a series of awesome lists, we seek to give visibility to open-source projects, communitie...
Italia Open-Source is all of us
Our contributors 3
Thank you for supporting Italia Open-Source.
Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Fabrizio to Italia Open-Source •
Contribution #752640
Balance transfer
Credit from Fabrizio to Italia Open-Source •
Contribution #752625
Today’s balance€0.73 EUR
Total income
€1.27 EUR
Total disbursed
€0.54 EUR
Estimated annual budget
€1.97 EUR
Our Vision
Our vision is to create an ecosystem where sharing and collaboration are the normality. We imagine a future where every project, big or small, is accessible to everyone and can be improved by everyone. We see Italy as a reference point for open-source, where technology is open and accessible, and where collaboration and innovation are the order of the day.
Our Mission
Italia Open-Source is not just a data collection platform, but a project everyone can participate in to discover and enhance Italian open-source projects. We believe that our community could be the starting point for creating an Italian tech system where knowledge exchange, innovation, and collaboration are the standard, not the exception!
Our team
Fabrizio Cafolla
Italia Open-S...