Jamify Cloud
Making flaring fast image processing and content publishing tools available for all.

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Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Jamify Cloud
Updates on our activities and progress.
NOW LIVE: A New Jamify Blog Starter built on Next.js!
Jamify is now on open collective!
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
Jamify Ghost Starter Updates, Etc.
Published on October 8, 2020 by Tom Darais
Hi, I am very intrigued with Jamify. I am about to launch 2 websites and am likely to use the Jamify Ghost starter. I am thinking about becoming a contributor too! I do have two questions:1) How would I apply updates to get the benefit of n...

By combining the popular open source blog system Ghost with the most innovative static site builder Gatsby, this project is extremely valuable for publishers of all kind.
Play with the Demo or check out the Tutorials to get a first impression.
The great thing about the Collective Sponsorships is that it doesn't take much to make a huge difference if enough people sponsor this work. If you are using gatsby-starter-try-ghost or any of the other gatsby-*-ghost-* tools for publishing your content, please consider sponsoring this project for a couple bucks a month.
The vision behind this project is to make it easy for anyone to publish content based on a modern looking, blazingly fast and shell-proof blogging system. While the base theme contains the core functionality, extra features will be bundled as plugins. That way the system remains modular and agile.
Sponsorship lasts only as long as you wish and you can cancel anytime, no questions asked.
Joost Jansky
Our team
Joost Jansky