Open Collective
Open Collective

Jeffrey Elkner


Free software and progressive political activist.

Total amount contributed

$1,068.85 USD


Recurring Contributions

Active contribution

Amount contributed

£18.00 GBP / month

Contributed to date

£810.00 GBP


Transparent and open finances.

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Contribution #172314
Contribution #172314
Contribution #172314
↑ Total contributed

$1,068.85 USD

↓ Total received with expenses

--.-- USD


Jeffrey Elkner (or simply "jelkner" as he is often known) is a high school / community college Web Development / CS teacher who lives in Arlington Virginia with his wife and the eldest of his two sons. 

In CS grad school way back in 1993 he discovered GCC (back when it stood for GNU C Compiler) running on the VAX system used at school. GCC led him to the GPL, which in turn led him to GNU/Linux, and his long love affair with software freedom was born. It fit like a glove with his social justice warrior orientation, and he realized immediately that working people would never be able to democratically control the means of production in the 21st century if they didn't control it's software. 

He is currently working with a group of friends in the worker cooperative, NOVA Web Development, which, motivated by the principle that "The people's movement should use the people's software!", is developing LibreOrganize.