Open Collective
Open Collective
released JMonkeyEngine 3.6.1-stable
Published on June 26, 2023 by Stephen Robb Gold

A new patch release of JMonkeyEngine arrived on Friday: 3.6.1-stable. This is now the recommended version for all JME projects.  Among other things, it solves issues with instancing, memory management, and restarting LWJGLv2 contexts. The release notes are online at

Our Engine continues to look to the future and evolve to meet it. For instance, there are efforts underway to support multiple monitors and to leverage OpenXR for virtual-reality applications.

Thank you for your financial contribution(s) to the JMonkeyEngine project. With your support, the project remains in good financial health. If you'd like to connect with us and/or learn more about our Engine, the best resource is probably our Discourse forum at