Kimberley and District Mutual Aid Group
Fiscal Host: The Social Change Nest
Provides mutual aid for those living in Kimberley, Swingate, Nuthall and Watnall for as long as required during the Covid-19 outbreak.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
Sue Nolan
£1,000 GBP since Apr 2020
Stephen Robinson-Day
£20 GBP since Apr 2020
Dawn Burns
£20 GBP since Apr 2020
Broxtowe Borough Council
£2,000 GBP since Apr 2020
Kimberley and District Striders
£54 GBP since Apr 2020
Kimberley and District Mutual Aid Group is all of us
Our contributors 9
Thank you for supporting Kimberley and District Mutual Aid Group.
Helen Johnson
Estelle Coy
Core Contributor
Broxtowe Boro...
£2,000 GBP
Sue Nolan
£1,000 GBP
Kimberley and...
£54 GBP
Stephen Robin...
£20 GBP
Dawn Burns
£20 GBP
The Social Ch...
A donation to say thanks for all your hard work...

Transparent and open finances.
-£195.00 GBP
-£129.86 GBP
Today’s balance£1,490.36 GBP
Total raised
£3,193.04 GBP
Total disbursed
£1,702.68 GBP
Estimated annual budget
--.-- GBP

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Kimberley and District Mutual Aid Group
Updates on our activities and progress.
Help Available
A reminder that KADMAG has received grants from Broxtowe Borough Council and Kimberley Town Council for helping our community during the Covid crisis. Please reach out if you are struggling financially to either your street coordinator o...
Published on May 27, 2020 by KADMAG Finance Committee