Kaizen Data
Kaizen Data is the applied data science conference where data professionals level up and exchange ideas.

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Financial Contributions
Join us a gold sponsor and a booth in high-traffic area, your logo and description on conference website and your logo on conference schedules, plu... Read more
Join us as a Platinum Sponsor, get 1 Sponsor Talk (subject to the descretion and final approval of organizer) a booth in high-traffic area, your lo... Read more
Kaizen Data is all of us
Our contributors 3
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Kaizen Data is the applied data science conference where data professionals level up and exchange ideas. Kaizen focuses on applied data analytics, processing, management, visualization and machine learning. The conference is educational - that's why we bring the best speakers from the top companies together to show how they solve hard problems. The conference has hands on workshops and talks with the leaders in industry.