Open Collective
Open Collective



Council of Minorities is a Human Rights organization with a special focus on establishment of minorities and indigenous Rights in Bangladesh



Council of Minorities is a Human Rights organization with a special focus on establishment of minorities and indigenous Rights. Bangladesh is not a racial state however; forty-five tribes- indigenous communities and religious and linguistic minorities are in Bangladesh. The majority are the Muslim and Bengali national so that others religious and non-Bengalese’s are always appeared as pressure groups in Bangladesh and in every way of life minorities/indigenous rights are perpetually violating by the state. It has found that without proper policy formulation and action, it is not possible to ensure any positive changes in overall developments of minorities/indigenous rights. 

CoM is trying to bring some changes in the society also to ensure the social, cultural, political, constitutional & economic rights of the minorities/indigenous peoples through partnership, networking, and advocacy and lobbying with the Government. Promoting and fostering mass awareness on minority rights and duties, Create social awareness against social stigma, discrimination and xenophobia by performing arts, including drama and documentary films and enhance the capacity of minorities peoples to organize minority rights training, seminars, workshops, Summits and minority fellowship program.