Looks like a great feature, though we are extremely happy at where OpenCut List is right now and I am somewhat afraid of feature bloat in OpenCutList
If I wanted something more out of it, it would be:
1) Further Improvements to the "2D Export with Curves" Feature -> an option to specify how much rounding should take place (right now it sometimes exports a radius of say 14.9999999 mm - that should be 15 mm)
2) A better 3D Export of DWG parts without triangulation -> really tricky, as the parts would have to be "rebuilt" in an AutoCAD Logic.
3) Better Material management.
We are doing more and more things with OpenCutList. One thing that would be awesome is a more straightforward way to manage custom material definitions. Setting up Material properties in one file is easy peasy. But getting that data from one file to the other is a bit harder. And managing this across a team - basically impossible.
Not sure how this would work maybe through a central storing Sketchup File where all the Materials that OpenCutList ever used are collected and that can easily be shared between users.
Material management in Sketchup is a bit of a pain anyway - Materials take on so many properties. From OpenCutList, from Tools like Curic Section Cut, Enscape, VRay - so many extensions are connecting properties to materials. It would be wonderful to somehow manage that a bit better.
Good morning, first of all, your idea for lea version 7 is great, well done So if I had a suggestion it would be this: the management of cutting angles in the flow of bars as well as in the plates, this would be fantastic many thanks again
first of all, your idea for lea version 7 is great, well done
Thank you !
I am somewhat afraid of feature bloat in OpenCutList
More is not too much if it doesn't change the use of current features.
(right now it sometimes exports a radius of say 14.9999999 mm - that should be 15 mm)
Please, use the "Report a bug" button ate the bottom of OCL dialog to send us relevant data to investigate this case.
A better 3D Export of DWG parts without triangulation
We tried, but the DXF file format is a terrible nightmare. We'd preferre to use the little time we can spend with the small financing amount on 2D features.
Better Material management [...]
Don't forget that OpenCutList is build on top of SketchUp. And an OpenCutList material IS a SketchUp material. We use the native SketchUp material system because it's the best way to integrate OCL the the full SketchUp extension ecosystem. We have to be conscient of the benefits of that solution.
Yes, materials are not really shared accros models and users. But models themself are not really sharable. SketchUp is not designed to be collaborative. I think it's a dangerous approach to add full featured collaborative features at extension level by ignoring that under the hood, everything is locally copied.
Remember : "I am somewhat afraid of feature bloat in OpenCutList" 😉
Not sure how this would work maybe through a central storing Sketchup File where all the Materials that OpenCutList ever used are collected and that can easily be shared between users.
Hallo Boris, wenn ich mal einen Wunsch äußern dürfte. Ich betrachte meine Objekte gerne über den Schnittplan. Hier sehe ich wie die Teile angeordnet sind. Da ich überwiegend mit Multiplex arbeite ist mir die Faserichtung relativ egal. Nur bei speziellen Teilen würde ich gerne die Faserrichtung bestimmen. Momentan muss ich mich mit vielen klicks zum Teil durcharbeiten und irgendwie Länge und Breite vertauschen damit es im Schnittplan gedreht plaziert wird.
Nun habe ich den Wunsch dieses Drehen gleich im Schnittplan zu erledigen. Ich stelle mir das so vor: Im Teil gibt es ein weiteres "Symbol". Wegen mir unten recht in der Ecke ein "=" oder "O" Buchstabe. = bedeutet: Länge und Breite wie in der Holzliste O bedeutet; das Teil wurde gegenüber der Holzliste händisch gedreht. Bei jedem Klick wird zwischen den Buchstaben gewechselt.
Somit könnte ich beim Durchgehen des Schnittplans ganz schnell relevante Teile in der Ausrichtung verändern.
Ich habe leider noch keinen schnelleren Weg als tauschen der Länge und Breite in der Holzliste gefunden. Mit dem Achsen-Tool von OCL komme ich nicht an das Bauteil ran wenn es im Objekt liegt.
Merci pour cette proposition, mais c'est le système qui repose sur les axes des composants répond déjà totalement à ce besoin.
Mit dem Achsen-Tool von OCL komme ich nicht an das Bauteil ran wenn es im Objekt liegt.
Si, c'est possible. Il faut activer la vision X-Ray de SketchUp et avec les flèches haut et bas du clavier, sans bouger le souris, vous pouvez aller inverser la longueur et la largeur d'une pièce cachée derrière une autre.
Hello! The plugin is getting better and better!! In the hierarchy, I would like to have automation for correcting names. For example: adding certain symbols to the names of a group of components, such as the name of a merging group or component. For example, I have 28 walls in my house, and their dimensions are different. And the components in the walls are different, not only in scale (because it is impossible to extend the oblique gash by zooming), and these components should be called differently, for example, now I sign "wall N"at the end of each component.
Also, it would be cool to have automatic batch conversion of groups to components. And I also thought: maybe enter a conditional symbol for dividing the component name into significant parts, so that in the cut you can combine and separate the component names in parts? For example: Rack / oblique/ 5 / wall 20. Or spaces. I think this would cure the main weakness of the components, the inability to combine different components with a common name.
Здравствуйте! Плагин радует все больше!! В иерархии хотелось бы иметь автоматизацию исправления названий. Например: добавление к названиям группы компонентов определенных символов, например, названия объединяющей группы или компонента. Например, у меня в доме 28 стен, их размеры отличаются. И компоненты в составе стен отличаются, не только масштабом (потому что невозможно вытянуть косой запил масштабированием), и эти компоненты должны по-разному называться, например сейчас подписываю в конце каждого компонента "стена N". Thanks!!
Также, было бы круто иметь автоматическое пакетное преобразование групп в компоненты. А еще подумал: может быть ввести условный символ разделения названия компонента на значимые части, чтобы в раскрое можно было объединять и разделять по частям названия компонента? Например: Стойка / косая/ 5 /стена 20. Или пробелами. Думаю это излечило бы главную слабость компонентов, невозможность объединения общим названием разных компонентов ) Спасибо!!
enter a conditional symbol for dividing the component name into significant parts
I'm not sure to understand what it means. You are already able to name your component as you want.
I described it haphazardly and indistinctly, please forgive me! Is it possible, after defining identical and mirrored components, to identify the common part of the component name and leave only it in the definition, and assign a single number/letter to the line? Optional.
Я сумбурно и невнятно описал, прошу простить! Нельзя ли, после определения идентичных и зеркальных компонентов, выявлять общую часть наименования компонентов и оставлять в определении только ее, и присваивать строке один номер/букву? Опционально.
I think this would cure the main weakness of the components, the inability to combine different components with a common name.
This is not a weakness.
In no case did I want to minimize the convenience of a wonderful plugin!! I probably didn't figure it out.
Ни в коем случае не хотел приуменьшить удобство замечательного плагина!! Вероятно я не разобрался.
Hi team, Love the tool and use it (almost) daily. Fantastic to see the direction it is heading too.
One small request I have, that i hope is relatively straightforward and not unreasonable. In the Draw feature that exports to Layout, id like to see scale options of 1:100, 1:150 and 1:200. Ideally user defined scale would be great, but that may take more implementation. We may be unique in how we are using the tool, but for architectural floorplans 1:50 is a little limiting and we are using the automatic, which results in 1:93.345 for example.
Not a criticism - love the tool! And not a major if not implemented, but if it is easy it would be appreciated.
I usually generate reports with sketchup reporter instead of open cut list to have a Nested list of components and child parts, like each cabinet containing hardware and parts, I think it´s very Important for industrial production or product management to be able to do a proper "Part Sorting" in the Part List, like the sketchup Outliner. The criteria of sorting by level or by component is missing in options, so please consider including in next relase, it would be great : )
Can you show us an example of a report you generate with SketchUp ?
Sure, this is an example of a Report sorted by path, in wich every component is grouped with their respective Child Parts, In this example the Level 1 must be the cabinet containing every component, the level 2 could be a drawer with parts, and the level 3 is optional for small wardware like connectors or wood dowels, I´m triyng to emulate reports by cabinet done in woodworking software like SWOOD or IMOS.
Grouping by "path" will mix too different things because path is defined at Instance level where parts are defined at Definition level.
Grouped by material → thickness → definition is the perfect solution to match the greatest number of needs. And with a good naming convention it can be used to sort by "cabinet". (ie cabinet-01.part-01, cabinet-02.part-01)
I'm really curious to know how to you imagine the global data presentation after grouping parts by cabinet.
Grouping by "path" will mix too different things because path is defined at Instance level where parts are defined at Definition level.
Grouped by material → thickness → definition is the perfect solution to match the greatest number of needs. And with a good naming convention it can be used to sort by "cabinet". (ie cabinet-01.part-01, cabinet-02.part-01)
I'm really curious to know how to you imagine the global data presentation after grouping parts by cabinet.
Thanks for the response, this is how we usually generate the reports with furniture software in factory, maybe another solution could be the posibilty to add Badges to components in 3D space to group them as desired in OpenCutList Reports.
Merci pour toutes les améliorations, OCL est devenu indispensable pour nous! Liste et plan de début, étiquettes supercomplètes, plans éclatés qu'on exporte dans layout pour les plans de prod qui partent dans l'atelier,... vraiment top!
Deux suggestions qui nous manquent souvent ; *On utilise OCL pour prévoir des sur-côtes à recouper en chantier (resserages, joues, etc.) et l'idéal serait de pouvoir afficher non pas taille capable + taille de débit car ça implique de devoir faire le calcul, mais d'avoir en plus ou à la place la possibilité de connaitre la sur-côte en elle même (+10 ou +20mm souvent dans notre cas). Notre situation idéale ; taille débit + surcôte
* On a souvent besoin de faire se suivre le fil des pièces, que ce soit en parallèle (alors sur la largeur)ou dans le prolongemnt (sur la longueur). Pour y arriver via OCL on doit tricher et mettre ces parties comme un seul composant même s'il s'agit de deux portes/faces tiroirs en vrai. Ce serait magnifique de pouvoir spécifier au plan de débit quelles pièces doivent rester ensemble à la découpe!
1. Pour les surcotes, de laquelle parlez-vous ? Celle qui est définie sur la matière et donc la dimension de débit. Ou celle qui est défini sur la pièce et donc la dimension capable ? Et à quel endroit souhaiteriez-vous le voir ? Sur les étiquettes ?
2. Pour la continuité de fil, c'est un besoin partagé par beaucoup. Et moi le premier. Mais nous n'avons pas trouvé pour le moment la solution pour permettre à l'utilisateur de définir simplement quelle pièce doit être en continuité avec quelles autres. Si vous avez des suggestions, nous somme à l'écoute :)
Je vous remercie pour l'outil mis a notre disposition. Pour ma part, la seule chose qui me manque vraiment serait de pouvoir voir le nombre de panneaux dont on a besoin. si on pouvait rentrer la taille des panneaux utilisé (1220 X 2440 le plus souvent) et ensuite savoir que avec autant de panneaux et en coupant comme ca ou comme ca nous avons le moins de chute possible , ce serait un vrai bonheur.. encore un grand merci et bonne continuation.
Merci d'apprécier OpenCutList. Mais ce qui vous manque me semble déjà exister à travers la la bouton Estimer qui compte le nombre de panneaux nécessaires de chaque matière de la fiche de débit.
Et sinon, sur chaque matière et épaisseur, il est possible de sortir les Calepinages avec la taille des panneaux personnalisables.
First of all, I want to say you're doing a great job, thank you!
I have a question/suggestion: would it be possible to use multiple dimensions simultaneously as an input to create a cutting diagram? For example, if I have specific sheets of wood in stock in several different dimensions and I want to use them in the most efficient way. Or in case I have a lot of leftovers that I would like to use.
This question has been answered multiple times. Currently this is not possible. In version 7.0.0 it looks like it is going to be possible, but the concept of "most efficient way" is hard to express.