Open Collective
Open Collective

Lambeth Mutual Aid Fund

We are a mutual aid fund for Lambeth redistributing income in the form of monthly no-strings-attached grants for those in financial hardship.


We are a group of people in Lambeth who believe in solidarity not charity: that means cooking and eating together, sharing money without judgement or intrusive questions, and thinking about how people might find the support they need in a hostile environment. For further information, see the How We Work section of our website.

We give out monthly grants of up to £30 on a no-strings-attached basis, which you can apply for via this form. The form is currently closed while we pay grants to the 130 people applied in December 2024. For updates about when the fund will reopen, and other mutual aid activities, please sign up for our newsletter!

Please do not request money directly on this page. 

If you'd like to be added to the email list to be told when the fund is opening, or if you'd like to get more directly involved in what we do, please email us at [email protected]


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Latest activity by

+ 443
Monthly Solidarity (fiver)

for less than the cost of two flat whites you could help LMA be more sustainable in supporting people around Lambeth

£5 GBP / month

Latest activity by

+ 17
Monthly Solidarity (tenner)

once a month you could give less than an hour of London's living wage to support a neighbour in Lambeth

£10 GBP / month

Latest activity by

+ 37
Monthly Solidarity (£15)

£15 is half the current grant and means a bunch to the people receiving it

£15 GBP / month

Latest activity by

+ 6
Half Grant

named half grant because we're always hoping to be able to give people more - and your contribution could get us there!

£20 GBP / month

Latest activity by

+ 26
Full Grant

yes loves, this is wealth redistribution in action. inequality in Lambeth is appalling: let's chip away at it, one Solidarity grant at a time

£50 GBP / month

Latest activity by

+ 11
Custom contribution
Donations for Ellie and Josh's Wedding

Ellie and Josh are getting married! And to celebrate they'd love you to support the Lambeth Mutual Aid Solidarity Fund. The cost of living is goin... Read more

Starts at
£10 GBP

Latest activity by

+ 11

Lambeth Mutual Aid Fund is all of us

Our contributors 451

Thank you for supporting Lambeth Mutual Aid Fund.



£3,556 GBP

£20 from how to catch a pig artist and zine fair

Sian Parker


£2,187 GBP



£485 GBP

maddy (lma)


£321 GBP



£282 GBP





The Social Ch...

£7,300 GBP

Contribution from Guy's and St Thomas Trust


Full Grant

£6,420 GBP


£2,800 GBP


Transparent and open finances.


Debit from Lambeth Mutual Aid Fund to Zaz

-£30.00 GBP
Today’s balance

£1,037.48 GBP

Total raised

£79,862.61 GBP

Total disbursed

£78,825.13 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£22,027.11 GBP


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Lambeth Mutual Aid Fund

Updates on our activities and progress.

Come for a chat!

Hiya! We’re keeping our updates short this month, because we’re hoping, instead of writing, to MEET YOU IN PERSON! LMA gathering Please come to meet us this month to talk about the Solidarity Fund, and Lambeth Mutual Aid ge...
Read more
Published on November 22, 2022 by maddy (lma)

October 2022 Update

Hiya!In a time of total chaos, mutual aid groups feel more important than ever: a way to build a different kind of society together, where people look out for each other, and find ways together to challenge inequality. Lambeth Mutual Aid is...
Read more
Published on October 30, 2022 by Tom

Lambeth Mutual Aid - join our open meeting!

Hi lovely LMA fund contributors,Since we started this fund for people struggling financially in the Covid-19 pandemic, just under £25,000 has been shared with people across Lambeth. This is amazing! We’re now reflecting on how the money has...
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Published on May 7, 2021 by Reema Malhotra