Open Collective
Open Collective

Laugh It Out Hub

We empower underprivileged teenagers to leverage humor through standup comedy as a mode for mindfulness. Through comedy writing, performing and improvisation education, we help teenagers learn how to laugh and vent out their struggles and rise above menta


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

--.-- USD

Total raised

$22,916.97 USD

Total disbursed

$22,916.97 USD

Estimated annual budget

$9,361.28 USD


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We empower underprivileged teenagers to leverage humor through standup comedy as a mode for mindfulness. Through comedy writing, performing and improvisation education, we help teenagers learn how to laugh and vent out their struggles for mental health.

We use our non-profit platform to bridge the gap between underserved teenagers, comedy mentors, and mental health professionals. We collaborate with Therapists and Psy.D. from USCF, Columbia University, Stanford Children’s Hospital and UC Berkeley. Our comedy mentors, Tom Dreesen and Tony Sparksc have been in comedy for decades. Our core educators have been performing for more than 10 years. We help teenagers who come from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds in the Bay Area, including Boys and Girls Club and YMCA Mentorship Program.

Every $20 donation to Laugh It Out Hub provides one hour of comedy education to a teenager in need. For more information, please visit