Open Collective
Open Collective

Legacies of Men

Fiscal Host: Global Peace Media

Empowering men through mental wellness support, Legacies of Men tackles male suicide prevention, fosters non-toxic relationships, and unites communities for lasting change.


About Legacies of Men

Legacies of Men is a transformative men's mental wellness initiative, primarily targeting smaller underserved cities and towns. With an unwavering commitment to male suicide prevention, our movement champions the virtues of non-toxic character and relationship-building. Rooted in the spirit of unity, we stand resolute against misogyny, fostering an inclusive environment for all men, regardless of background or life experience.

Our Meetings:

Legacies of Men comprises two core meetings:

1. Legacies of Men: Unburdened - This meeting provides a space for men to discuss and understand the societal burdens unfairly placed upon them. It's an opportunity to dissect these imposed values and identify ways to unburden themselves.

2. Legacies of Men: Growth - This segment focuses on personal development. Here, we teach men traits that are beneficial to both them and society at large, fostering a holistic approach to growth.

Our Goals:

Legacies of Men ambitiously aims to build robust mental wellness structures across the globe. By establishing 5,000 support groups in cities and towns within the United States, we aim to create a refuge for men, detached from religious or political affiliations. Our dedication extends further: to financially support and empower group leaders, ensuring they have the resources and training necessary for impactful sessions. By setting aside $10,000 for each city, we've earmarked funds for venue rentals, training materials, and community outreach. 

Beyond our U.S. goals, our sights are set on international expansion, targeting countries like Canada, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand and many Baltic countries where suicide rates are alarmingly high. In these regions, we seek to establish 500 groups, mirroring the support structure developed in the U.S. We are not solely focused on urban centers; our mission is to penetrate smaller towns, ensuring mental wellness support is accessible to all.

Legacies of Men is steadfastly expanding its initiatives. Our Male Suicide Prevention Campaign is a vanguard in raising awareness of alarming male suicide rates. Our Non-Toxic Relationship Workshops, Anti-Misogyny Education Series, and Legacies of Men: Growth Development Modules lay the foundations for mental well-being, relationship building, and personal growth. We also champion focused projects for specialized groups: from Veteran Reintegration Support, Jail and Prison Outreach, Youth Mentorship Programs, and support for homeless individuals, to bespoke resources for first responders, fathers, caregivers, minority men, LGBTQ+ men, and indigenous communities. Additionally, our outreach extends globally, with tailored initiatives for immigrant and refugee men and mentorship for minority youth. Across all projects, our commitment remains unshakeable: fostering mental resilience and community building for every man, everywhere. 

Community Guidelines:

We believe in a space free from biases and prejudices. To maintain the integrity and purpose of our meetings, no religious or political affiliations are allowed to host them.

Using Open Collective:

To maintain transparency and trust within our community, we use Open Collective. This platform allows us to manage funds transparently, ensuring all donations and expenditures are visible to our supporters.


Join us in our journey as we redefine men's mental wellness and create a global community grounded in support, understanding, and growth.

Our team

Today's Balance
Support Group Expansion
per year


Become a financial contributor.


Support the following initiatives from Legacies of Men.

Establishing a mentorship program that connects minority youth with positive role models.
Helping immigrant and refugee men adapt to new environments, focusing on mental well-being.
A project focusing on providing mental health resources tailored to the needs of Indigenous men.
Providing specialized mental health resources and safe spaces for LGBTQ+ men.
This project aims to address the unique mental health challenges faced by minority men through ta...
Focusing on men who are caregivers for family members with chronic illnesses or disabilities, pro...
Providing resources and community support for new or struggling fathers.
Offering specialized grief counseling and support groups for men who have experienced loss.
Tailored mental health resources and programs for first responders, focusing on stress, trauma, a...
Providing emotional and mental wellness resources to homeless individuals, offering hope and tool...
Pairing at-risk youth with mentors who can provide guidance, academic help, and emotional support.
This project aims to help veterans transition back to civilian life by providing mental wellness ...
Supporting incarcerated men with mental wellness tools for emotional resilience and reintegration.
Joe Truax's training for youth speaker certification expands Legacies of Men's impact in schools.
Creation of resource-rich modules aimed at holistic growth for men, to be used in the Legacies of...
Educational content and discussions aimed at fighting misogyny and promoting equality.
Local and online events aimed at uniting communities and offering mental wellness support for men.
A series of workshops teaching the fundamentals of healthy, non-toxic relationships.
A focused effort on raising awareness about male suicide rates and offering resources for prevent...

Financial Contributions

Recurring contribution

Become a backer for $5.00 per month and support us

Starts at
$5 USD / month
Recurring contribution

Become a sponsor for $100.00 per month and support us

Starts at
$100 USD / month
Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

Legacies of Men is all of us

Our contributors 4

Thank you for supporting Legacies of Men.


Let’s get the ball rolling!


Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.

The following are our starter SMART goals....

Published on October 24, 2023 by Joseph Truax

What do you think? Financial Goals · 1. Raise $5,000 by the end of this year To support ongoing operations and expand resources for men's mental health. 2. Achieve a monthly funding target of $500 To cover...
