Open Collective
Open Collective

Lehner Studios

Host fee: 0%

Technology Art and Identity


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Financial Contributions

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Lehner Studios is hosting the following events.

Past event
03:00 PM-08:00 PM UTC
4th annual Southold WinterFest. Presenting original art, technology, The Urantia Book and related...Read more

Attended by

Past event
11:00 PM UTC
Testing the Event Functionality

Attended by

Past event
10:00 AM UTC
Original paintings and etchings - Outdoor Art Show and Music Festival - Setauket, NY

Attended by

No attendees
Past event
09:00 AM-09:00 PM UTC
Books by Commodore Robert Stanley Bates. East End Seaport Museum & Marine Foundation — 34th Annua...Read more

Attended by

No attendees


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

$12.90 USD

Total income

$22.90 USD

Total disbursed

$10.00 USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD