Open Collective
Open Collective
Expense Policy
Published on May 14, 2020 by Liam Miller

These funds are to be used to help people in financial difficulties with the costs of groceries, household items, prescriptions etc.

If someone is able to pay some but not all of the items that they need, they can make a contribution to the fund.

We want to avoid making judgements of which items are essential or unessential and which items people should have or not have have due to their financial situation. However, it is important that people requesting items are aware that many in the community are also in difficulty and that we need to support as many people as we can with limited funds. People need to be mindful of this when choosing which items to request.

Please bring any queries about particular requests to the Leyton Ward WhatsApp group for discussion (in an anonymised from to protect identities of people involved).

At times we may need to have conversations about what requests are reasonable based on current level of collective need and the current funds of the group. Anonymised information about the current financial need of the group and current funds of the collective can be accessed freely and discussed. Encourage people to get involved with the Mutual Aid Group themselves, we all need each other and to think of eachother.