Open Collective
Open Collective

Leyton Ward Mutual Aid

Many people in Leyton are facing financial difficulty, either long-term or in the current situation. We hope that we can raise funds as a community to help everyone get food and other items they need in this difficult time.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

One-time contribution
One-Off Contribution

Join us for £1.00 and support us

Starts at
£1 GBP

Latest activity by

+ 3
Recurring contribution
Regular Contribution

Join us for £1.00 per month and support us

Starts at
£1 GBP / month

Latest activity by

Top financial contributors



£120 GBP since May 2020

Zimeon Jones

£120 GBP since Jan 2021

Lucy Clout

£74.38 GBP since Jun 2020

Leonie sands

£50 GBP since May 2020

Lucy Jones

£30 GBP since May 2020

Liam Miller

£25 GBP since Apr 2020

Angie A

£20 GBP since Apr 2020

Aisha Aakhoon

£10 GBP since Jun 2020

Lior Smith

£10 GBP since Jun 2020

Louise Worrall

£5 GBP since Jun 2020


Waltham Forest Communuty Hub

£500 GBP since Aug 2020

Leyton Ward Mutual Aid is all of us

Our contributors 13

Thank you for supporting Leyton Ward Mutual Aid.

Liam Miller


£25 GBP

Angie A


£20 GBP

Waltham Fores...

One-Off Contribution

£500 GBP


Regular Contribution

£120 GBP

Zimeon Jones

Regular Contribution

£120 GBP

Lucy Clout

Regular Contribution

£74 GBP

Leonie sands

£50 GBP

Lucy Jones

One-Off Contribution

£30 GBP

Aisha Aakhoon

One-Off Contribution

£10 GBP

Please support this group.

Lior Smith

One-Off Contribution

£10 GBP


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #115809
Contribution #115809
-£424.29 GBP
Today’s balance

£8.96 GBP

Total raised

£945.18 GBP

Total disbursed

£936.22 GBP

Estimated annual budget

--.-- GBP


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Leyton Ward Mutual Aid

Updates on our activities and progress.

Expense Policy

These funds are to be used to help people in financial difficulties with the costs of groceries, household items, prescriptions etc.If someone is able to pay some but not all of the items that they need, they can make a contribution to t...
Read more
Published on May 14, 2020 by Liam Miller


----Expenses Policy and Considerations----

These funds are to be used to help people in financial difficulties with the costs of groceries, household items, prescriptions etc.

 If someone is able to pay some but not all of the items that they need, they can make a contribution to the fund. 

We want to avoid making judgements of which items are essential or unessential and which items people should have or not have have due to their financial situation. However, it is important that people requesting items are aware that many in the community are also in difficulty and that we need to support as many people as we can with limited funds. People need to be mindful of this when choosing which items to request.

Please bring any queries about particular requests to the Leyton Ward WhatsApp group for discussion (in an anonymised from to protect identities of people involved).

At times we may need to have conversations about what requests are reasonable based on current level of collective need and the current funds of the group. Anonymised information about the current financial need of the group and current funds of the collective can be accessed freely and discussed. Encourage people to get involved with the Mutual Aid Group themselves, we all need each other and to think of eachother. 

The accountant who makes payments for The Social Change Agency, our fiscal host, works on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. This means that, for example, expenses submitted on Friday should be reimbursed the following Monday. 

So we can keep track of expenses, the expense title should include:
 - Your first name 
 - The street name for the shopping
 - The date you delivered the shopping
 - Example: Alex - Osborne Road - 11/5/20 

Expense title and information can be viewed publicly so please don't include personal information about yourself or the person receiving items. 

So we can verify the expenses, a photo of a valid receipt(s) for the purchased items will need to be submitted with the expense request. 

Paypal will charge our group a fee for reimbursement but bank transfer is free. To be reimbursed by bank transfer under Payout Method choose "New custom payout method" and in the Info box write:
 Account number 
 Sort code 

If you have any issues with submitting expenses, please email [email protected] or text 07446258318 or 7850 554259

Our team