New radicaldns server and opennic network
Published on October 5, 2021 by Dinos Stamou
It's been more than one year since we launched RadicalDNS Service to be able to offer a public DNS service that people can use to maintain the secrecy of their DNS traffic, but also circumvent censorship especially in cases where DoH or DoT cannot be used.
Seeing that it was a really successful project, we are happy to announce that one more new server is now added as part of the RadicalDNS Service. The new server is based in Thessaloniki, Greece and can be reached both in IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
We are also happy to announce that both of our RadicalDNS servers are now part of the OpenNIC Project as Tier 2 DNS resolvers. OpenNIC Project is a democratic distributed network of DNS servers. We made that choice as we share common values with opennic network and being part of distributed DNS network is always better for an open Internet and for the users that are concerned about censorship, privacy and DNS neutrality.

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