Open Collective
Open Collective
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Updates on our activities and progress.

Most recent
Signal Proxy
Published on September 25, 2022 by Nikos Roussos
Signal is currently being blocked in Iran. In an effort to help people in the country to access it again, Signal has created a proxy soft...
A short story about our Mastodon instance recent upgrade, to handle the extra load. We are grateful that we have the budg...
Mastodon IP anonymization
Published on May 9, 2022 by Nikos Roussos
We always strive to keep as less logs as it's technically possible for any of our services to run smoothly. Our Mastodon instance is no ex...
It's been more than one year since we launched RadicalDNS Service to be able to offer a public DNS service that people can use to maintain the...
EDNS Padding in LibreDNS & RadicalDNS
Published on July 10, 2021 by ebal
A couple weeks ago, we received through community feedback a request to add EDNS Padding support to our DoH/DoT dns service: LibreDNS. What is EDNS ? · Without making this post too technical, but unfortunately we can not avoid technical det...
It's been more than two years since we launched our Mastodon instance and we recently witnessed a spike of new registrations, mainly driven by increased ce...
LibreDNS Scale Up
Published on March 3, 2021 by ebal
LibreDNS had another upgrade on it's hardware specs, due to high traffic. We hope this change should make things a little better for all the people that are using our DoH/DoT service. Many thanks to the community for supporting LibreOps.
2020 budget report
Published on February 13, 2021 by Nikos Roussos
About a year ago we switched to OpenCollective for managing donations and expenses. This gave us more funding capabilities and more transparency on how we use our budget. So...
Using LibreDNS on iOS
Published on January 5, 2021 by Nikos Roussos
We love Open Source, so besides our own code, we like to contribute to other projects that help people use services like ours as easy as possible. We...
LibreDNS: Upgrade Specs
Published on October 14, 2020 by ebal
Last week, we noticed a lot of traffic towards our LibreDNS - DoT service. CPU and memory usage was pretty high and we saw ~2k concurrent TCP connections. We tried to identify if this was an attack/misconfiguration (client or server) or jus...
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