Open Collective
Open Collective

LifeLine Pharmacy

Part of: Aid4Gaza
Fiscal Host: VCS Academy (UK)

To offer heavily subsidised medications to displaced Palestinians in Gaza Strip, and ensure priority groups are able to access their required Meds.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions


Every donation, no matter the size, is crucial. Your support will help save lives and bring hope to those affected by the conflict.

£7,152.57 GBP of £25,000 GBP raised (29%)

Starts at
£1 GBP

Latest activity by

+ 34
Project Sponsors

We are actively seeking collaborations and sponsorship, and with your support we will be able to continue delivering our much needed project.

£0.00 GBP of £50,000 GBP raised (0%)

Starts at
£500 GBP

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Custom contribution
Make a custom one-time or recurring contribution.

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+ 51

LifeLine Pharmacy is all of us

Our contributors 56

Thank you for supporting LifeLine Pharmacy.

Helena Zazueta


£185 GBP

Mohammed Hamad

Core Contributor

VCS Academy (UK)


£2,526 GBP


£2,250 GBP

Ihab Project ...

Project Sponsors

£1,175 GBP



£949 GBP



£500 GBP



£350 GBP

Shazia Akhtar


£350 GBP



£235 GBP


£211 GBP



£210 GBP


 Project Name: Lifeline Pharmacy – صيدلية خط الحياة

Project Overview 
We are a dedicated group of volunteer pharmacists providing essential medicine for patients who are living in extreme living conditions in Gaza. Our main target is to supply medicine that will reduce mortality rates during the upcoming winter months, and to work in collaboration with mutual aid groups, organisations, medical suppliers, and volunteer teams to ensure priority groups with life threatening conditions diabetes are able to acquire the medications they need to survive. 

The spikes in prices of medications; which is mainly due to shortages of supply; in Gaza Strip has forced many pharmacies to shut down their operations due to their inability to keep a stock of medicine available for the population. We are hopefully that our project team efforts with your support will work towards changing this reality, and despite the shortages, we will work to acquire the medications needed for our people. 

Our mission 
To offer heavily subsidised medications to displaced Palestinian in Gaza Strip, and ensure priority groups are able to access their required medication to survive the winter. 

In addition, we will monitor our work and continue fundraising towards achieving our main goal, which is to be able to offer the medications for FREE!    

Project Goals 
·       Offer heavily subsidised Medications: Supply essential medications at extremely low-costs or at no cost to patients who are unable to afford it 
·       Promote Health and Well-being: Enhance the overall health and well-being of the vulnerable population in the area.

English: within an UNRWA primary school, near Nakheel Camp and 17 Crossing, Deir-al-Balah, Gaza. 
Arabic: داخل مدرسة الأونروا الإبتدائية، بجوار مخيم النخيل وبالقرب من دوار ال17، دير البلح، غزة 

Within the school itself, lives more than 5,000 displaced families with an average household of 4. Another school within close proximity houses more than 7,000 displaced families.  The immediate vicinity of the two schools has become home to a large tent camp population that is within the 100,000+ families range. 

Our Lineline Pharmacy initiative has the potential to make a significant impact on the health and lives of the people in Gaza by: 

·       Reducing maternal and infant mortality rates. 
·       Reducing elderly and long-term conditions mortality rates. 
·       Improving access to medicine at extremely low rates 
·       Ensuring timely access to medication and medical intervention for children. 
·       Offering ongoing health education and support.

Long-term goal
To continue and expand our efforts and to work with medical organisations, pharmacies and networks to cover the needs of the population across Gaza Strip. We hope our initiative can be replicated to cover more areas in Gaza Strip, and contribute to rebuilding the medical infrastructure in Gaza. 

How You Can Help 
Every donation, no matter the size, is crucial. Your support will help save lives and bring hope to those affected by the conflict. Your generosity makes a real difference. 

Stay Updated 
Follow our journey on Instagram to see their impact of your contributions and stay connected with our progress.


Thank You 
We are deeply grateful for your time, attention, and support. Together, we can help heal the wounds of war and bring hope back to our community. 

With heartfelt thanks, 
Aid4Gaza Programme Team 
LifeLine Pharmacy Project Team 



Our team

Sal. Y.


Soha H.

Core Contributor

Uzma I.

Core Contributor

Mohammed Hamad

Core Contributor


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from LifeLine Pharmacy

Updates on our activities and progress.

Lifeline Pharmacy Starting out! صيدلية خط الحياة في مرحلة التجهيز

The team on the ground in Gaza started setting up the tent, adding waterproofing, shelves to keep the medications stock in order. Although they are starting out with a small set-up, they are aiming for a big impact. Stay posted for project...
Read more
Published on October 18, 2024 by Mohammed Mansour


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

£28.20 GBP

Total raised

£11,591.26 GBP

Total disbursed

£11,563.06 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£12,293.57 GBP


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