Open Collective
Open Collective

VCS Academy (UK)

Contributing to building a resourced and resilient civil society that is empowered to create and drive social change to tackle inequalities around the world.


Our programme management team has over 15 years experience in the nonprofit sector - supporting charities, social enterprises, and community-led groups in the UK, USA, and MENA region. We developed in-depth insights into the challenges of starting up in the civil society sector, as well as the burdens around fiscal and administrative needs of groups, community activists, and global change-makers. Our aim is to remove these barriers so that you can focus on making change; by giving you the tools and support needed to scale and create impact, without imposing any structures that could hinder your amazing work.

Check out our website to learn more about VCS Academy CIC fiscal hosting service, and to access our virtual learning academy for the knowledge and skills you may need in running and developing your project idea. 

Our fiscal hosting service

Can help remove the administrative and fiscal burdens, especially if: 
1. You’ve been using a personal account to handle and hold funds and it’s starting to cause headaches,
2. You want to receive and manage funds in a more transparent and collaborative way,
3. You’re struggling with the admin of running your project/s and could use advice and support,
4. Your project/s are expanding and growing fast and need help understanding how to scale and do it responsibly and transparently. 

Perks of joining our fiscal hosting service: 

When you join our fiscal hosting service, you will be eligible for:
1. Access to Canva Pro cloud design service; dedicated cloud storage for your team.
2. Access to Global Giving online fundraising platform and their global network of philanthropists, plus tax relief, with donations made on GlobalGiving are US tax-deductible and UK Gift-Aid eligible. 
3. Access to discounted nonprofit Stripe payment processor fees on donations collected. 
4. Access to our grant management service, this means that you can apply for formal grants using us as a host.
5. Dedicated account manager to streamline your financial transactions, wire transfers, quarterly financial reports and end of year reporting. 

Additional Support

We are invested in contributing to a resources and resilient civil society sector, with proven track record in capacity building, building collaborative partnerships, and community infrastructure. All with the aim of helping community groups like yours to thrive and unlock your potential. Here are just a few ways of how we do this:
  • Training and learning resources: We gather and share relevant training and learning resources and services through our virtual academy website and social channels. 
  • On-demand Capacity building: We offer additional coaching and mentoring support where needed, on strategic and business planning, fundraising strategies, and building governance structures in the US, UK, and EU. 
  • Crowdfunding and Funding opportunities: We provide hands-on support on setting up crowdfunding campaigns, and periodically share relevant opportunities. Check the most up to date UK Trust and Foundation Opportunities. We also recommend trusted consultants and partners that can support you to put together grant applications and prospect funder research. 


From April 2025, we will start introducing £149.99 onboarding fees, plus 5% fiscal hosting fees for the funds managed on your behalf.  Discretionary fees apply to selected causes on a case by case basis. 
An authorized representative is required to manage the financial transactions for the funds we host on your behalf, approving all transactions to be channeled to your community group and projects. 

Additional services - On-demand: 

  • Programme management support, through a coaching and mentoring package tailored to your project teams and community needs. 
  • MEAL (Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning) support services. 
  • Grants writing and management service, this means that you can apply for formal grants using us as a host. Contact our grants team if you're interested in this service, [email protected]
  • Funds Management Service, if you are a funder and would like us to manage your applications process, grants distribution, and impact reporting, please get in touch with our partnership team, [email protected]

Got your attention? 

If you have any questions please get in touch by calling us on 0333 090 1414 or emailing [email protected]

To find out more our fiscal hosting services, our bank of resources and our team, check out our website  

Our team



Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions


Our Support Team is comprised of volunteers and pro-bono consultants contributing their time to keep our fiscal hosting service FREE! Any contribut... Read more

£0.00 GBP of £18,000 GBP raised (0%)

Starts at
£1 GBP

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!
Recurring contribution
Coaching and Support

Our coaches and mentors are able to provide you with a monthly coaching/mentoring session to support your professional development.

£50 GBP / month

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!


Become a member of VCS Academy CIC, and enjoy access to bespoke resources for organisational development, strategic and business planning, programm... Read more

£200 GBP of £5,000 GBP raised (4%)

Starts at
£50 GBP

Latest activity by

Top financial contributors

Carolina Montiel Alocen

£200 GBP since Dec 2024


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from VCS Academy (UK)

Updates on our activities and progress.

Demystifying Fiscal Hosting: Anti-Money Laundering Statement - January 2025

Having a passion for change and the ability to act on it is often met with a variety of challenges due to needing to navigate a complex non-profit operating environment. Our fiscal hosting service is designed to support organizations, NGOs,...
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Published on January 27, 2025 by Mohammed Mansour

We are officially working in Partnership with Global Giving!

We excited to announce that we have become a vetted Community Partner within GlobalGiving global network. We are immensely grateful that we are now partners with their disaster response team. The disaster team has also expressed their grati...
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Published on September 30, 2024 by Mohammed Mansour


Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.

Accelerating Impact Through Strategic Incubation

Published on November 6, 2024 by Mohammed Mansour

Enterprising philanthropists increasingly go beyond grant making by partnering closely with intermediaries who have the expertise to launch and accelerate their visions. Sophisticated funders and changemakers increasingly c...

Fiscal Sponsorship for Nonprofits

Published on October 7, 2024 by Mohammed Mansour

Using a fiscal sponsorship arrangement offers a way for a cause to attract donors even when it is not yet recognized as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). In essence the fiscal sponsor serves as the administrative "ho...


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

£9,084.35 GBP

Total income

£575,695.08 GBP

Total disbursed

£566,610.73 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£558,967.46 GBP


All time

Expenses paid


Amount disbursed


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Contributions received


Amount collected


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