Open Collective
Open Collective



Online Quran Classes for Youngsters and Adults
Children are much better at memorizing new information than adults, 
which is why we suggest enrolling them in online Quran courses as 
young as possible, preferably at the age of five years old. 
The best website to start learning Quran is livequranforkids. 
The best time to learn anything is from a young age, with teachings 
remaining in a child’s mind just as a carving remains on a stone indefinitely.

The lessons of Islam can give us guidance, happiness, and a sense of fulfillment 
and clarity, but they can also put us on a righteous path. By encouraging your 
children to learn to read the Quran online with Tarteel and Tajweed, you can 
feel confident that the holy words of Allah the Almighty will be etched into 
their minds and hearts forever, meaning they’ll never be alone no matter what 
life throws at them.